
political philosophy

This summation of her political philosophy is the only one I've found that pretty much completely matches my own, and in a much more coherent format than I could ever hope to express:

megan mcardle at the atlantic

P.S. I'm trying to figure out how to set my default font to Arial, so I don't have to remember to change every time I post. The new times roman tard default is ugly and makes me want to punch Blogger in the eNuts.

P.P.S I just tried to add an animated .gif to illustrated and emphasize the above nutpunching, and it only uploaded a static image. I would appreciate any advice (or you can just smash a deserving someone in the ol' babysquirters, and I will be there in spirit).


monday song lyrics

Ok weekend. Cleaned garage, roommate cleaned kitchen + office. Got an old game, turned out boring. Video card dying, too cheap to buy new one just yet. Got new storage drive to replace failing one. Listening to I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You by Colin Hay and here's the lyrics:

I drink good coffee every morning
Comes from a place that's far away
And when I'm done I feel like talking
Without you here there is less to say
I don't want you thinking I'm unhappy
What is closer to the truth
That if I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you

UPDATE: Upon reading the lyrics without the song in my head, I realize how dependent it is on the singer's voice and timing, and the guitar. By themselves, the words seem mundane and uninspired.


misery loves company

I hated Comcast until they sold my service to Time Warner, but the crappy policies didn't seem to change. It's nice to know that they're jerks to everyone though:



video game writing

Don't know why, but this article grabbed my attention:



I got my first cavity filled this morning. I feel a sort of wistful regret, as my tooth decay cherry has now been popped, and my native denture is no longer magically impervious to entropy. Also, I'm drooling out the numb side of my mouth when I try to drink - not a hit with the ladies.


raison d'etre

This is kind of a clarification post for anyone who cares to know what this blog is about.

I have a no-good, horrible, terrible, very bad memory, both long- and short-term. I don't really remember much other than what I'm thinking about at any given moment, and hazy, impressionistic memories of the past. This bothers me, because I worry that there's all this stuff I'm experiencing that not only will no one else see, but I won't remember myself, so it will be effectively as though it never happened. I don't like taking pictures, so that's out. I've tried keeping journals in the past, but they never seem to last more than an entry or two.

Another problem is that I don't really do anything expressive - I don't sing, play music, draw, paint, write, dance, or do anything particularly creative beyond trying to come up with new and clever insults for my roommate. This results in a sort of mental constipation, whereby I keep getting the urge to dump my brain out in some form or fashion, but never get around to it. The closest I get is when someone emails me with anything that makes me think, I tend to reply with grotesquely obese essays that make most people throw up a little bit inside.

I'm going to try to post at least one line per day about at least one thing that strikes me as worth the effort of typing. I don't plan to write much, or even read what I've written. I'm hoping that this will both help me journal my life and provide an out for my fermenting brainjuice.

This means that, like the toilet, I will squeeze out whatever is pressing hardest on me at any given moment, and I am unlikely to think about it again after I hit 'publish post' anymore than I am likely to watch it swirl down after I hit flush. So don't take offense if you post a comment and I don't reply - it's just me.

opinions vs. fact

I have plenty of opinions on things like immigration, security, open borders blah blah blah. But one thing I know as FACT is that Mexican food enriches my quality of life on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Simple experiences like today's lunch convince me beyond the shadow of doubt that while life is full of Complications, Nuances, and Relativity, there are still certain undeniably Good things in life.


guild wars cont'd

Finally figured out that the credit card company has put the vendor on a 'naughty' list because of a high rate of credit/debit card fraud perpetrated using their store. Transferred me to their fraud dept., where they confirmed my ID and allowed the payment to go through.

Got Factions, EoTN, and a GOTY edition upgrade for Prophecies; made an Ass/War (teeheehee) and got him up to 15; my new favorite class. I hope the washer finishes soon so I can move the laundry and go to sleep.


guild wars expansion

So much for the daily post.

I tried to order the expansion over the seller's website (because they offer extras and stuff if you order it there), and they declined it for some weird reason. Now in the space of 12 hours, I have been escalated TWICE to new hieghts of customer support - "Bill" and "George" have both proven unable to handle the bulk of my weighty issue. I now await with 'bated breath the resolution to this exciting adventure.

I also hope my cat stops staring at me. Maybe I should stare at him back...


Hah! You don't like that either you presumptuous fleatrap! Taste of your own bitter medicine!