
raison d'etre

This is kind of a clarification post for anyone who cares to know what this blog is about.

I have a no-good, horrible, terrible, very bad memory, both long- and short-term. I don't really remember much other than what I'm thinking about at any given moment, and hazy, impressionistic memories of the past. This bothers me, because I worry that there's all this stuff I'm experiencing that not only will no one else see, but I won't remember myself, so it will be effectively as though it never happened. I don't like taking pictures, so that's out. I've tried keeping journals in the past, but they never seem to last more than an entry or two.

Another problem is that I don't really do anything expressive - I don't sing, play music, draw, paint, write, dance, or do anything particularly creative beyond trying to come up with new and clever insults for my roommate. This results in a sort of mental constipation, whereby I keep getting the urge to dump my brain out in some form or fashion, but never get around to it. The closest I get is when someone emails me with anything that makes me think, I tend to reply with grotesquely obese essays that make most people throw up a little bit inside.

I'm going to try to post at least one line per day about at least one thing that strikes me as worth the effort of typing. I don't plan to write much, or even read what I've written. I'm hoping that this will both help me journal my life and provide an out for my fermenting brainjuice.

This means that, like the toilet, I will squeeze out whatever is pressing hardest on me at any given moment, and I am unlikely to think about it again after I hit 'publish post' anymore than I am likely to watch it swirl down after I hit flush. So don't take offense if you post a comment and I don't reply - it's just me.

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